PICKGUARD für IBANEZ® RG 2009 RG350DX® - einlagig schwarz, - PG BLACK ACRYLIC SOLID
USA handcrafted quality pickguard produced by WD® Music
Modell [SKU:IBRG35-0901A]
This replacement pickguard is made to fit the Ibanez® 2009 RG350DX®.
While many manufacturers may make a similar model instrument, this does not mean each pickguard of this type is interchangeable.
If the design of your pickguard varies (country of origin, manufactured date, non-Ibanez® manufactured) from that pictured, you may be required to submit a tracing for a custom order.
Achtung: Das Bild des Pickgaurds ist exemplarisch und stellt in erster Linie dessen Umrisse, Bohrungen etc. detailgetreu dar !
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