New for 2020 ! The Overwound Set !
With all three pickups slightly overwound on Alnico V magnets, this set is designed to give a little more push.
Combining our Classic Blues single coils with our new Birmingham AC5 bridge humbucker. This set sizzles!
TRH2 Generator Alnico V Humbucker:
A high-output bridge pickup can take you from bluesy rock to screaming solos. Rolling off the volume knob reveals great, useable clean tones.
TRS3 Alnico V Single Coils:
In the 60s Strat pickups changed – they got a bit hotter, the magnet quality improved and started to provide a bit more snap and attack. The Classic Blues set from Tonerider nails these late 60’s tones, whilst also offering the benefits of a calibrated wind for more even volume balance across all five positions.
Due to advances in string technology and the wider range of modern guitar necks, the Classic Blues set uses our unique “Modified Vintage Stagger” polepiece magnet array allowing for near perfect string-to-string balance on the greatest range of instruments possible.